
You choose the thought - you choose the feeling, the actions and the results!

There is a cycle that is a really useful model for you to explore. Your thoughts create feelings, your feelings create the quality and quantity of your actions, your actions create the quality and quantity of your results.

You choose the thought, the thought creates a feeling, the feeling determines the quality and quantity of actions you take, and your actions create the quality and quantity of your results.

You have a choice about what you think. You could think for example, two different thoughts about the current financial challenges:
  1. I will take advantage of this time to create an even better financial position for me and my family!
  2. No-one knows what's going to happen - I think we are all stuffed!

Your thoughts will create the corresponding feelings:

  1. You’ll be excited, motivated, energized and be someone on a mission!
  2. You’ll be depressed, demotivated and feeling there's no hope!

Your feelings will create the following quality and quantity of actions:

  1. You will be productive, consistant and focused on creating results!
  2. You will be going through the motions, waiting for the whole thing to fall apart.

Your actions will create the following quality and quantity of results:

  1. You will have improved your financial position!
  2. You will have bombed out and melted down and your financial position would have deteriated.

The choice is yours and your choice starts with the quality of your thoughts. Make sure you chose a thought that’s going to put you in a resourceful state of mind and feeling.

Email Mike...

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