
Giving Yourself Time for your Processes.

How little space and time do we give ourselves for our human processes.

It is by experiencing a traditional culture's process, that I see how mainstream society is indeed out of step with the human heart beat.

In the workplace you are expected to return to work, as soon as possible after a day off to attend the funeral. On your return, you are expected to be productive and alert. How little respect do we give ourselves by having this expectation?

Our Technological, Beaurocratic and Materialistic society is based on mechanical and theoretical foundations rather than respect for flesh and blood humanitarian foundations.

More than ever before, our society has tight control of the media and the education system. Winston Churchill said something like: "He who knows not history is doomed to repeat the mistakes of those gone before." What interest in history has a generation used to instant gratification given by the internet, mp3, and all technology in general?

You have no choices if you blindly accept the status quo's values and perceptions of what it is to be a human being.

You certainly can afford choices if you have independant means, a successful business, lots of holidays owed to you or a fantastic insurance policy in place.

The point is, you are either going to choose to honour your processes or you are choosing not to.

If you choose to honour your process, then you walk the "Short Suffering" path.

If you choose to honour society's process of you toughening up and holding it in, then you will walk the path of "Long Suffering", perhaps to your own grave.

It's not an easy choice for you to make.

But knowing what the choices are is vital to you having a choice in the first place.

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