
When you think you just can't take any more!

Another report from the long distance mourning event.

One two and now three.

Three funerals, each one a separate experience, one a 90 year old passing through peacefully, another a 20 year old cut short in their life and yet another a 70 something woman letting go peacefully and with full acceptance after suffering a painful disease.

So many times I reached the place in myself where I felt like I couldn't take any more sadness - and then came the tears.....and then came a new feeling and the old feeling was left behind.

And when I saw the pain of a parent mourning the death of their child - I would think - "how unbearable must that feeling be!" I would see them in the next minute talking animatedly with a long time no see relative and then hear their belly laughter....

Which reminds me of the births that I have witnessed. How a woman can have these amazing painful contractions...and once over, it's like they have instantly forgotten them, that they are behind them and they don't carry them on.

Amazing to see this painful sorrow processed in a cultural context. Amazing to see how once you shed your first tears and feel your unbearable feelings.....the belly laughter rises up and you share the love. As soon as another person starts to express their unbearable's amazing how quickly you shift your attention from yourself to supporting them.

So if you reach the place where you think you just can't take any more - take heart - breaking down into tears opens a door, previously shut to you, where once you walk through it, your overwhelm dissapears and you can think clearly again.

How much like the coaching process is this. So many times I see people in overwhelm who, in the coaching process, just walk through a door that they never knew was there. Once through the door, they have clarity, the ability to think through things and power they never knew they had.

Thank God for these natural processes!

Email Mike...

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