
Another look at Stress.

It's an old story is "Stress", and one that I have had some direct experience with, some time ago, working with a large company undergoing radical change and I was responsible for helping the staff handle their stress.

It's invisible, it creeps up on you, you being in denial about it is it's first symptom and the effects are wide, sometimes dramatic and varied.

On a previous post some time ago, we discussed the down sides of "Multi-tasking". It's prevalent, technology and our society encourages it.

However, the quality of our thinking, our focus and our effectiveness reduces significantly when we multi-task.

But more significantly, with our eyes and minds alert for the next email, the next text, that can happen any time of the day, stress gets it's foot in our door, slides right in and makes itself at home.

So much so, we can find ourselves losing our temper, dreading and avoiding certain situations and perhaps even feeling drained and with no energy.

Awareness of this is perhaps our greatest line of defence. Taking time out to relax, to visualise, to rest, is what sustains and strengthens us in the face of stress and high levels of activity.

Email Mike...

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