
Taking time out to mourn.

It's been a long week of mourning.

The structure is that you walk in to be with the body of the departed, your emotion wells up and spills right out there, you are reduced to elemental and primal sobs, you can see clearly what your feelings and issues toward that person is and you just surrender to it all.

Then you find yourself sitting down with others who have all gone through something similar, a conversation starts up, someone says something funny and you find yourself rollicking with laughter.

Then you all hear the approaching wails of a new group of mourners, everyone pulls themselves into a respectful silence ready to support the next person's journey into the elemental and primal feeling states.

You sit there and see it happen, a person connecting with their grief, you instantly feel your own grief well up and you are crying there once again, but this time you don't feel alone, you are there supporting someone else, crying with someone.....and that feels quite different.

They come and sit with you and before long someone says something and everyone is laughing again.

This is how sharing time with a loved one who has passed looks like to me.

This is how one Maori family has done it, and it feels amazing to let it all hang out.

Now that it's over, I am feeling drained, listless and like I need a big rest.

Just put me in my pyjamas and let me cuddle up in bed!

Email Mike...

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