
An Into-me-see Glimpse of Georgio Armani

Creative genius Georgio Armani had a recent interview where he described a typical day.

He gets up to work out, because he believes in what Albert Einstein says:

"We can't expect things to change if we keep doing the same things over and over"

He comes home daily, showers and gets into his daily "Uniform":  Silk t shirt, blue drawstring pants, canvas shoes and a cashmere sweater if it gets cold.

Phew!  The 'Master of Style" has stylishly transcended style!

But his taste in music really gives him away:

"Suzanne" by Leonard Cohen, himself a stylish rake in his double brested suits and fedora hats.

I strongly suspect Georgio has a natural affinity with zen, his understated style has always radiated simplicity and elegance.

If you haven't heard Suzanne before - please enjoy:

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