
You Gotta Be What The Future Needs

You gotta be what the future needs

You gotta give what the future needs

You gotta be what’s not even yet thought about

You gotta jump higher and smarter than ever

You gotta be what the future wants

How can you know, what can you do, who can you be?

It’s all up to you, the canvas is blank, the crayon in your hand.

It’s gotta be original, nothing that works works anymore 

You gotta be what the future wants

Be bold, take the chance, build out of the rubble of the past, 

From the ashes rise, in the blender pour everything you’ve ever

Read, or heard from Art, Science, History, Myths, Legends, even rumour…

Whatever you got, throw it in – if it stands up, great – it it fall over, let it go.
It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, better than or less than – It’s just what’s so.

Don’t get hung up – you don’t have the time 

You gotta be what the future wants

Trusting your Being, listening to the whisper beyond reason, beyond the norm…

Pull the rabbit out of yourself, stand up and be counted, with the solutions

For what the future needs!

You gotta be what the future needs

This is only the beginning. Get to know clarity. Email me, Mike Kennedy...

1 comment:

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