
The MFA is the new MBA!

I heard Professor Colin Rhodes, Dean of Sydney College of the Arts, speaking to Dulwich High School of Visual Arts, encouraging them to see their lessons learn about the art of creativity as preparing them for doing anything in the vocational world.

He told them that the Masters of Fine arts is now the new Master of Business Administration.

That is true in that you can slide your MFA skills to apply to a plethora of roles and positions in the vocational and business world. You still need to learn the business skills as you go, or at least listen to the advice from people expert in their field.

However these are some of the skills that are really useful for the new creative economy, That open you up to your whole brain, that you can bring to it as an artist...and as a business owner - remember - you have an inner artist:

Listen to constructive criticism. Every art student has to discipline themselves to listen to critiquing. They have to shut up, let go of trying to defend their work and listen for ways of improving their work. Actors have to take direction, authors and poets have to be edited, musicians take their dose of feedback. These are skills you have honed year after year - they are particularly useful in the business environment.

Engaging yourself in engaging your audience. This is what artists learn to do. It's not a science - it's an art! It's about knowing yourself and knowing your audience. It's about asking questions about what motivates and interests your audience, that often business owners forget. Listen and learn from performers, how to engage an audience. Your audience. That's all you need to do, day in and day out.

Letting go of the good, for the better, of the better for the best, Letting go of the best for the greatest. All artists have to learn to let go of their great ideas. Sometimes being attached to an idea will stop you creating something absolutely brilliant. Sometimes clinging to an idea is what creates problems. Pulling your sword to hack through good ideas to find a fantastic solution is what great artists do.

Knowing when to stop and start to ship. All artists have to let their works of art out into the world finished. They know that they can work a lifetime on one piece, constantly reworking a single theme. They know that their work needs to be placed like orphans out in the world. Even if they don't feel like they are finished.

So, business owners - search out your inner artist to make you a better business builder.

This is only the beginning. Get to know clarity. Email me, Mike Kennedy...

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