
Why isn't Acknowledgement EASY for you?

Maybe it's because you just haven't considered five home truths about acknowledgement:
  • It's not part of our culture - and a lot of people are fearful that if they acknowledge you for something good, that you will get a big head!
  • You haven't been acknowledged very much in your life - it only happens every now and then, and when it hits you like a gust of fresh wind, you usually intellectualise it away and treat it with little respect - it's how you have been taught to do it!
  • There's only one day in our lives where all the people we love and who love us, all gather around and say all the things they thought about us, but never got to say it. They talk about what you are up to in life, what your qualities are and how you impacted on their lives. They acknowledge you and you don't even get to hear it - because you are dead!
  • When you give freely an acknowledgement to someone, without trying to manipulate them or gain favor from them, you give a gift to them that helps them be who they really are. A powerful acknowledgement sets us free!
  • .....and when you give, you get. Whatever you see in someone else, grows within yourself. If you see strength, you feel stronger. If you acknowledge intelligence, you feel smarter. And conversely, if you see only weakness and negativity - guess what you will feel like!

I suggest you read this all again.

When these home truths about acknowledgement become self evident to you, that is when you will have the courage to step out and tell people what you see about them.

I asked a friend to give me feedback (acknowledgement) about how I was showing up to him.

He had just told me that he found giving acknowledgments difficult, that he was okay picking out things that were wrong and needed fixing, but he had difficulty telling the full story about what he saw.

When he started to acknowledge how he saw me, I was moved at how much of me he could see. He was generous, courageous and as he went on, I started wondering if I could handle hearing such truth - cause it was his truth, his personal truth that he was sharing with me.

He did a great job.

I was enriched, empowered and even felt a bit taller after his acknowledgement.

.......I must ask him what he felt giving me that.


It sets you free.

It sets the acknowledger free.

It sets the person receiving the acknowledgement free.

.......let me know if you want to know more.

This is only the beginning. Get to know clarity. Email me, Mike Kennedy...

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