
Tell me what you really really want!

When you admit to what you really, really want, you have the problem of how to express it in the face of potential opposition and potential support.

Potential opposition you need to defend your goal against.

Potential support you need to be able to express your goal to, in such a way that you will be taken seriously and that support will be readily given.

I was given the following headings by my respected mentor, Robert Moses, who I told I wanted to rise to the next level of being a trainer. It worked a treat for me and has also for many, many people since.

What do you really, really want?

You write your goal in Specific, Measurable, based in Action, Realistic and locked in Time terms

Why do I deserve to get it? Why Me?

You write your reasons why you of all people deserve to achieve this. Talk about your unique passion, your interest, how you are going to help people by achieving this - tell us why you deserve to get it!

My steps to get it - my Genius Master Plan!

Trust your inner genius to help you write a plan - just write what you think needs to happen. Some people plan best by starting from now and planning forward. Other people start from actually achieving their goal and work their way backwards (this happened just before that and this happened before that....) Try it both ways and discover which is your best way to write a genius master plan.

When you have a plan - you will be taken more seriously when you announce your goal - you will also be taking yourself more seriously!

Who can Help & Support me to get it?

Write a list of people who can support you. They don't have to be people you know. However think of the people you know who may have connections in the area that you want to succeed in.

A mentor is a great person to find - you will probably find them outside of your close network of friends and family. This article will help you identify one, find one and manage one.

What's Standing in your way?

Ah - Obstacles - they will certainly come! They may come in the form of scarcity of money, time, talent, qualifications etc.....or they may be lack of support, colleagues or friends who attack you for daring to do something different or even your own unconscious thoughts.

Write your obstacles here - as many of them as you can think of.

The good news is that an obstacle named is 65% overcome. The act of naming an obstacle prepares you to deal with them in advance.

My Reward for all of this!

Part of helping you be strong and focused, remaining in hot pursuit of your goals, no matter what happens to visualising your pleasurable end result. You achieving your goals. You reaching your mountain top!

So a good mental trick for you is to write down what your celebration will be when you achieve your goal. Who is going to be there, where you will be, what you will be you will be rewarding yourself.

Top achievers are always thinking about their pleasurable end result - it gives them something amazing to think about on their journey and it raises you above the struggle and pain you inevitably have to face.


So there you have it - this really works if you write out your project like this. You communicate your goal in such a way that builds not only your confidence that you will achieve it, but other people as well. It gives you strength to face the inevitable challenges along the way and by listing the people who can help you get there, you develop a team mentality that will turbo charge your efforts. You can't do big things alone!

When I first used this, I got support from all manner of people - one training organisation I was working for sponsored me for $6,500 worth of training gratis, I found a new mentor, companies hired me on the basis that I was on an improvement curve - the results were amazing!

I wish you even more amazing results than I got - this tool will help you communicate your goals and aspirations into reality! Let me know how you go!
Email Mike...

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