
More about what a coach does for you.

Seth Godin said this about his 6 month "MBA" program he just finished delivering:

“Maybe the most important thing you'll learn in this program is that you don't need this program. There's not much I'm going to tell you that's not in my blog posts or books. What this program will do is give you the structure and support to encourage you to do what you already know. ........But you can do that by yourselves.”

Sounds just like coaching eh?

You don't learn anything you don't already know, that is: those things that you "should" be doing right now. But when you engage in the program, you do get the structure and support to be accountable to "DO" those things.

.......those things you know you "should" be doing but you aren't!

That's what a coach holds you to account for well as being the "Best You" you can be!

Email Mike...

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