
Taking a Bath....like an Entrepreneur!

Take the lessons from the entrepreneurs.

They never lose anything for two long.

They always create in half the time what they have lost and then build upon that.

If you are going to take a bath, make sure your mindset is in the right place.

Make sure you see yourself as powerful and resourceful, make sure you don't descend into shame and blame - the lower levels won't serve you at all - stand tall and proud of your capabilities and personal resources, knowing that you know how to get it all back again.

If you are going to take a bath, make sure everything is in place, make sure you know how you are going to handle the basics like food and shelter, communication and transport - have it all ready like a towel and slippers....

If you are going to take a bath, make sure you know who your friends are - who they really are!

If you are going to take a bath, make sure you keep your ideas recorded and protected, you'll be needing them soon.

If you are going to take a bath - learn the lessons from the Entrepreneurs - read their biographies, ask yourself the question - "What is their mindset? What can I model from this?"

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