
Seth Godin is Right! You don't need any more answers!

I'm the first person to admit that compared to you, I have no idea what I'm talking about. You're there, doing what you do and doing it with skill.

Let me be really clear: My job is not to tell you what to do. I don't know what to do. - You do!

Not just me, of course. Everybody with a blog or a book or an interest in your success. Don't do what they say. Listen to their questions instead.

My job is to provoke you into asking hard questions.

Ask those questions to your staff, your accountant, your boss and your co-workers and to yourself.

It's easy to see that self-aware decisions and thoughtful strategies outperform blind stumbling any day.

I don't have a lot of patience for this list of seven rules or that manual of how it's supposed to be or the step-by-step road map you can purchase today only.

Instead, I think you'll do a lot better if you get optimistic about your ability to create the future and cynical about relying on pat answers at the same time
Thanks Seth for your words of clarity, paraphrased by me!

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