
Your Thinking is like a Chest of Drawers!

A wise man once told me:

Your mind is like a chest of drawers.

If more than one drawer is opened,

If there are clothes on the floor,

....and if the clothes are not put in the correct drawer...

there will be confusion, lack of clarity and it will be really hard to make a decision about what to wear.

"- What to do?"

Place all of your clothes in specific drawers, fold them so they fit neatly are easily found.

Only open one drawer at a time.

That way you will have clarity, you will find what you want easily and quickly and you will be able to make your decisions much faster.

What is your chest of drawers like? What is your thinking like? Are you thinking of one thing at a time? Does your mind need a bit more organisation?

What could you do today to tidy up your thinking?

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