
Sometimes the only block to your effective communication is yourself!

How much permission do you give yourself to communicate?
How much space does your "Self Limiting Thoughts" allow you, in order for you to communicate fully?

If you have wallpaper, in the background, self limiting thoughts about yourself like: "I can't have what I want" "I don't deserve anything" or even "I'm always in the wrong", you will find that your ability to communicate will always be compromised by these self limiting thoughts.

- What to do?

Raise your awareness! Identify clearly your self limiting thoughts. Create analogies or verbal pictures of the things that stop you in your life.

Stand aside and observe yourself. If you describe your situation, you are automatically outside of your situation looking in on it. Realise this and you realise at that moment of self observation, that you are free from the limitations you have put on yourself.

Before you communicate, identify your self limiting thought and then set an agenda for your communication - base this on your desired outcome - then communicate with awareness of:
  • The influence your self limiting thought usually has on you
  • The outcome you really, really want to achieve.

Awareness of your limitations allows you to leap higher, run faster, achieve greater and last longer than you ever thought possible!

Go for it!!!!!!

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