
Yogi Martin - Slowing Down Your Perception of Time!

I seem to be attracting amazing people to me lately!

Out of the blue, Yogi and Suzie dropped by and over coffee, shared about their latest adventures.

Yogi is a master accordionist who pulled out the amazing Roland digital piano accordion and gave us an incredible demonstration of his and his instrument's range and ability.

Not only that, he shared his techniques to show people how to slow down time. We explored this amazing ability in our post on chess master, Josh Waitzkin, writer of the book "The Art of Learning".

In my discussions and reflections since posting that article, we do this in the coaching process. In the coaching session, we slow down our perceptions by focusing for clarity in different areas of our clients situations.

Yogi has some amazing one minute techniques up his sleeve to help you do this.

If you want to know more about this amazing technique, go to his blog.

You also might want to hear Josh Waitzkin talk about this again as well. Listen carefully to his description of his martial arts competition fight where he slows down time.

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