
More on Bronwyn Hayward, an extraordinary person!

Bronwyn Hayward's film "Beauty" has the following review:

"The Royal New Zealand Ballet is featured as a parallel universe to Bronwyn’s perceptions of her dance world. Juxtaposed with the iconic classical are other dance worlds, including dance as a ‘street’ event and improvisational postmodern pastiche. The worlds of dance spin around and, as their ellipses overlap, a challenge is laid to those who present the dance as a world of perfection, youth and ‘beauty’"

Bronwyn also does workshops like:

Dare to Dream
Remember when you were little
and someone asked what you
wanted to be when you grew up?
And anything and everything was
possible? This workshop is for
anyone who wants to dream again, to believe their dreams are possible
and to learn the steps necessary to
actually make them come true.

Bronwyn has been a social worker, advocate, academic, researcher and dancer for over a decade. She likes to
challenge the way we view, perceive, value and experience impairment and disability. She conducts a series of workshops: Fresh Flowers in the Bathroom; Dare to Dream; and The Beautiful Dance.

Copies on DVD and video are available by contacting Bronwyn Hayward at

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