
Decisions made with Self Awareness of your Not So Noble Motivations!

I'm continually amazed at how raising your self awareness through a decision making process, results in decisions that have depth, that resonate with your values and that are just plain smarter than decisions made with low self awareness.

Raising your awareness of your inspiring motivations, your values, your purpose and what are the possible opportunities from the situation are the most obvious areas to cover.

However, if you raise your awareness of your "not so noble" motivations - like doing something to inflate your ego, stoke your pride or even if you want to get even - makes a positive contribution towards building a well thought through decision.

You know what they say: "The Devil you know is better than the Devil who operates under your radar pushing your buttons and pulling your strings!"

So, when you are next in a decision making situation, raise your awareness in the areas of your not so noble motivations - take them into consideration... and see how you will make a better quality decision.

"It ain't pretty, but it sure is useful!"

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