My coach just nailed me.
"What are you doing even thinking about doing that?"
I'd just told him I'd been invited to speak at a conference in Australia.
" - It's not related to what you are trying to achieve - how is this going to benefit your clients? How is this going to benefit you? How is this going to move you forward? How is this going to grow your business?"
I was nailed. I was being called to account.
I knew he was right. I knew I was flattered that I'd been invited for this role, I also knew that in my past, as a speaker, I would be chasing a gig like this. At that time, with my focus then, this was an opportunity to be celebrated that would most probably lead me to more speaking events.
I really, really wanted to do this conference. Every cell in my body was moving me towards accepting this invitation.
But I also knew that it was no longer related to what I'm doing now, or even what I'm trying to achieve now. It would be a distraction and a consumer of my time in the areas of preparation, travel, my time spent there and travel back home. Even though the speaker's fee was substantial, it simply was not appropriate or even worth it for me to accept this.
Hocus Focus.
You keep on your focus and the Hocus starts to work - you start to reap the rewards.
Hocus Focus.
There's so many distractions out there - new ideas, emails to read and answer, interesting conversations, family demands, things to do, people to see. Busy, busy, busy!
But what about the important things? What are the important things to focus on?
Hocus Focus.
You choose the important things - these are the things that are going to move you forward. You know the important phone calls, actions and deadlines you need to pay attention to.
Hocus Focus.
It takes discipline, it takes hard work, it takes being on task.
It bears fruit, it creates results and it moves you forward.
Hocus Focus. - oftentimes - it means you walk past the seductively interesting, the loud and demanding and the seemingly innocent wasters of your precious time.
It requires you to take charge, make decisions and to stand by them.
Hocus Focus.
What are the most important things for you to be focusing on?
Today? This week? This month? ........This year?
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