
The Demystifer Button.

Rose and I got into the car on a cold wet and windy day.

The windscreen was misted up and Rose told me to press the demystifyer button.

I didn't know our car had one. But I was really excited about having one!

Mainly because that's what what we do in a coaching session - we de-mystify! - I started to think about all the other buttons we have around us.

It all starts when our clients press their coach button:

That activates their coaching session and we start looking at their goals.

Usually there are some challenges to face, sometimes even big challenges. In the session, just facing up to some of those challenges takes the power away from those challenges and puts things into perspective.

Sometimes even the big things turn into small things. By Acknowledging "What is So" turns things into "So What?"

I am amazed that there are so many buttons in a coaching session!

Not only that, in a coaching session, you can align yourself with your purpose and your values. If your purpose and values were a horse and your ego was the rider, some riders try to ride a horse by facing it's rear end and saying "giddy up!" and the horse won't go anywhere they want it to go.
When they acknowledge this isn't working and turn themselves around to face the same direction of the horse's head, things become effortless - now that's the easy button!

And we've been talking for some time about how we slow time down in a coaching session. This is where we find our power. That's the power button!

And finally, when we set our goals, we define where we are now and then we write down our inspiring vision for our goal...and we plan how we are going to get to our goal, then we fire up our engines and start our journey to our success!

Thanks Rose for telling me about the demystifyer button!

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