
Getting Regular Sleep

Do you know anyone who is experiencing difficulty in getting a good night's sleep?

 Jeffree Clarkson and I are putting together a webinar in the next couple of weeks and invite you and/or some friends to participate in this.

We are looking for participants who are experiencing difficulty in getting a good night's sleep and who want to change this.

So if you know anyone who is having this problem, please show your interest by email and we'll send you the webinar details.

Jeff is a musician composer whose music has been used by people practicing meditation for years. He has developed some really interesting techniques that enable people to develop good restful and refreshing sleep patterns in times of stress.

I deal with people all the time who are dealing with stress and change who have to put up with nights awake and full of worry and bleary eyed days getting over it.

Together and with the help of the participants,  we will put together something useful.

It's time we put something in place to support people with this situation.

This is only the beginning. Get to know clarity. Email me, Mike Kennedy...

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