
Business Lessons from Leonard Cohen # 1

When you delegate in your business - Delegate responsibly. (ask someone to do something, get their commitment, write it down, follow up until it's done, acknowledge them for doing it.)

Avoid Abdication. (The giving away of a task or set of responsiblities without further management of them)

Especially if you don't like the task or responsibility.

Especially if you have low skills and understanding in the task or responsibility.

Abdication will lead you to either the task or responsibility never being done, being done badly or not being completed.

It will also lead you to betrayal, abuse of power and to being at the mercy of whatever agenda the person who you have abdicated your power and responsibility to.

To avoid abdication, simply add a process of follow up to your delegation.

Ask them:

"Have you done what I asked you to do?"

What is the result so far of what you have done?

"What remains to be done?" and

"When will you do it?"

Leonard paid $5 million to learn this lesson.

This is only the beginning. Get to know clarity. Email me, Mike Kennedy...

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