
You create rewards for achieving your goals.

Most of us are lousy at celebrating our successes.

Successful people always plan their celebrations before they set of to achieve their goals.

They do this to build anticipation – these people don’t wait for the light at the end of the tunnel – they create it right up front and every step of their journey is spent thinking about how great it is going to be celebrating their successful achievement.

When these people meet with challenges and discomfort, they are thinking only of their pleasurable end result and how they will overcome the obstacles.

How would it be if you created a celebration for achieving your goal and you kept that in your mind as you travelled toward achieving your goal?

What kind of difference would you think that this would make for you?

Having a celebration to look forward to nourishes your spirit, uplifts your feelings and reinforces your resolve to achieve your goals.

This is only the beginning. Get to know clarity. Email me, Mike Kennedy...

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