
Moving between the "Normal Everyday" and the "Responsible".

Ah me - taking Responsibility.

Being willing to take on the extraordinary assumption that you are cause in your life.

That you have caused all the circumstances that have lead you to whatever current problem or situation that you are finding yourself dealing with.

And by you making this unreasonable assumption and embracing it - you enter a new context to think within - the "Context of Responsibility".

And in this new context, you get to think thoughts that are unthinkable in a "Normal Everyday Context".

You see your life differently, as a long learning experience, where every situation creates a different learning that you are attracting to yourself - that this process is unconscious, but now you are thinking as if it was true.

You see events and situations differently - like you attracted them to you rather than you being an innocent bystander being imposed upon by them.

You see people differently. Friends and enemies alike, become teachers and guides pointing out the lessons you need to learn.

Not only that, simply by sitting in the "Context of Responsibility" long enough, you start to experience the benefits of the "Mindset of Responsibility"

And, somehow, I haven't quite worked out how, when you are in the "Mindset of Responsibility", all manner of things come forth to help you on your way.

Your thoughts are clear.

You are light and free from blame, shame and all other burdens.

You can see clearly the traps and snares of all your old coping mechanisms and you know, perhaps for the first time, that there are other ways of running your life.

You are suddenly powerful, peaceful and poised.

And when you open the door of this context and return to your "Normal, Everyday Context", you bring with you the light, wisdom and sense of responsibility back into your life, ready to put into action your transformation.

- Neat eh?

Email Mike...

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