
Mike Kennedy - Coach.

In the old American Indian story about the two wolves, there is an analogy of there being two wolves in every human. The black wolf wants to destroy you and your works and the white wolf wants to develop you, grow you and nurture you and your works.


When asked which wolf wins, the storyteller always answers: "The one you feed...."

Mike Kennedy is an Australasian Based Personal Business Coach who works with clients wherever they are, to help them feed their white wolf.

He utilizes telephone, Skype and the Internet as communication medium.

He helps his clients deal with change and thrive in environments where most people are reacting in panic, feeding their black wolves.

He says that most people have unspoken goals that they really, really need to work to achieve, but that these goals never get any attention, because they are swamped with "busy-ness

"I help people find their own clarity - what it is that's important to them, what they really, really want to achieve and what are the most important things for them to focus on. 
Once they find their clarity, they then get down to work on the goals that are really important to them!"

He uses classic coaching techniques as well as his experience working with people for the last 25 years as a trainer, mentor and coach.

Crisis's are dealt with with the client's goals, values and long term objectives in mind.

This is called: "Feeding the right Wolf!"

Over the last 13 years, Mike has worked with two separate coaching companies, supporting their coaches with training competency development and mentoring their case work. He also coaches and mentors a number of independent coaches, helping them in their professional development. "I love working with people who are going out there and making a difference to the world!"

Here's some pictures of Mike and his wife Rose and their son Ted at the Special North Island Independence Games for kids with special needs in Hamilton one year.

Mike and Rose Kennedy have been married for 17 years and have Ted, a 16 year old son with Downe's Syndrome. "The experience of being a special needs parent has helped me develop strengths and understanding, that no education could have given me!" says Mike. "It's also shown me which wolf I need to feed!"

"The Spice Girls sang: 'Tell me what you want - tell me what you really, really want!' Nobody ever asked you that question as you were growing up - they never even asked you what you needed!- it was usually all about people telling you what they wanted from you!"

Mike encourages people to find out 'What they really, really need!'
"Something amazing happens when someone asks you that question - it's usually a shock, and once you get past the mistrust and looking for where the catch is, and you actually start to answer the question, then the magic happens! Its then you realise the benefits of feeding the white wolf!"

Peter Drucker says:  
"Management by objectives works if you first think through your objectives. Ninety percent of the time you haven't."

That's how Mike sees his role - getting people clear about their objectives.

Not only that, he helps them articulate their Purpose:
"If my clients have clarity of intention, the job is half way done!  The right wolf then gets the food it needs"

And that's the sort of coach Mike Kennedy is - open in heart, wide in experience, well read and focused totally on keeping his client's focused on what's important to them.

"I show people how to manage their wolves - you probably don't care how much I know until you know how much I care! That's the kind of coach I am."

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